SEER Vs EER: Understanding Air Conditioning Efficiency Ratings for Optimal Comfort


If you are looking to upgrade your air conditioning system or install a new one, you need to know about efficiency ratings. The two important ratings that you will see a lot are SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) and EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio). These ratings can have a big effect on how much you spend for your energy bills every month as well as your overall comfort. In this blog post, we’ll compare SEER vs EER so that by the time we’re done here today, it should be clear which one matters most when considering an air conditioner purchase for either residential or commercial use. 

What is SEER Rating?

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It measures how well an air conditioning system performs during the whole cooling season. The SEER rating is figured out by dividing the total electric energy input over the same period by the cooling output in one typical cooling season. This basically means that higher SEER ratings show more efficient air conditioners which results in lower energy bills and thus more savings in general overtime.

What is EER?

EER, or Energy Efficiency Ratio, measures the efficiency of an air conditioning unit at a specific outdoor temperature, usually 95°F. Unlike SEER, which gives a seasonal average, EER reveals how efficient the unit is under peak load conditions. This rating is important for areas with high temperatures since it shows the ability of the system to work on the hottest days. An increased EER rating means that your equipment will manage extreme heat well by ensuring comfort and reducing operational pressure.

How Does SEER Rating Differ?

While SEER and EER ratings both indicate how well an air conditioning unit works, they evaluate efficiency under different circumstances. Every method has its own strengths and weaknesses. SEER is a more general measurement that takes into account temperature fluctuations during the cooling season; whereas EER only looks at performance under very hot conditions all of the time. This implies that SEER would be good for understanding efficiency over time generally speaking while EER might offer a better indication of what happens at peak demand periods.

SEER vs EER: Key Factors

Seasonal Efficiency vs Peak Efficiency

  • SEER: Measures average efficiency across a season, making it ideal for moderate climates where temperatures fluctuate.
  • EER: Measures efficiency during peak conditions, useful for areas with extreme and consistent heat.

Energy Cost Implications

  • Higher SEER: This can result in significant savings on energy bills over the cooling season, providing cost-effective long-term benefits.
  • Higher EER: Indicates better performance during heat waves, potentially reducing operational costs during peak periods when demand is highest.

Environmental Impact

  • High SEER Units: Generally use less energy, contributing to lower greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a more sustainable environment.
  • High EER Units: Also contribute to energy savings, especially in regions with consistently high temperatures, reducing the overall carbon footprint.

Which Rating Should I Consider?

Your choice of SEER versus EER will depend on what you need to be done and where you live. In a place with mild temperatures, it may be best for you to buy something that has a higher SEER rating as this will save on cost throughout the cooling season because of its overall efficiency. On the other hand, if your area experiences extremely hot weather then going for units rated with higher EERs would serve well during those critical days when staying cool becomes almost impossible. To get air conditioning services such as installations or ac repair Los Angeles done thoroughly, visit Alturas Contractors which offers complete solutions related to this field. Their professionals will guide you in selecting a device that meets all your requirements while delivering maximum performance and saving energy at the same time.

How Can Alturas Contractors Help?

At Alturas Contractors, we understand the importance of choosing the right air conditioning system for your home or business. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and experience to guide you through the selection process, ensuring you get the most efficient unit for your specific requirements. Whether you need AC installation Los Angeles or repair services, we’re here to help. We provide personalized recommendations and top-notch services to ensure your air conditioning system performs at its best, giving you peace of mind.


To make the right choice for your air conditioning system, it is important to know the difference between SEER and EER ratings. The best rating can be selected by taking into account such things as seasonal efficiency, peak performance and your local climate. Our aim at Alturas Contractors is to help you attain utmost comfort as well as save on energy costs. Get in touch with us today for more information about our services or any other queries concerning this matter; let us help in picking out a suitable AC unit for you too! We want nothing but satisfaction so we’ll make sure that the cooling device is dependable and effective enough for all your needs.

FAQs on SEER vs EER Ratings

1. What is the main difference between SEER and EER ratings?

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) determines the efficiency of an air conditioner over a standard cooling season considering diverse temperatures. EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) measures the efficiency at a constant temperature of 95°F. SEER gives an overall performance during different weather conditions, while EER indicates the system’s efficiency at its peak in hot weather.

2. Which rating is more important for my air conditioning unit: SEER or EER?

Whether SEER or EER is more important varies based on where you live. For fluctuating temperatures in mild climates overall effectiveness is the key indicator so SEER should be considered. However, if you’re dealing with extreme heat during scorching summer days then EER would take precedence over all other factors because it measures performance at those specific times. Both ratings should ideally be looked at for an accurate assessment of efficiency.

3. How do SEER and EER ratings affect my energy bills?

Air conditioners with higher SEER and EER ratings are more efficient and can save you money on your electric bill. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient it will be for the entire cooling season which means less cost overall. A higher EER rating guarantees that the unit will work well at times of most extreme heat thus using minimum energy during peak demand hours.

4. Can a unit have both high SEER and EER ratings?

Yes, many modern air conditioning units are designed to have both high SEER and EER ratings. These units offer efficient performance both seasonally and during peak temperatures, providing comprehensive energy savings and consistent comfort throughout the year.

5. How do I choose the best air conditioning unit for my home?

Answer: To choose the best air conditioning unit, consider both SEER and EER ratings based on your local climate and specific cooling needs. Consult with HVAC Company Los Angeles, like Alturas Contractors, to get expert advice tailored to your situation. They can help you select a unit that balances efficiency, cost, and performance for optimal results.

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